Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Guide To Beat Complexity and Deliver Value

In today’s networked, always-on world, we are presented with more information and more challenges than at any other point in our past.  Complexity, which comes in all shapes and sizes, has emerged as one of our biggest challenges.  It can be the difference between success and failure; between being stuck in the weeds or using the massive amounts of information to our advantage.  And, as SAP’s CEO Bill McDermott says, “Only when you understand intense complexities can intense simplicity emerge.”

mountain climber at the summitOur world, with the lines blurring between business and personal, is getting more and more complex. Within the next five years, 2.5 billion people will be connected on social networks.  And, an astonishing 75 billion devices will be connected. This presents a huge opportunity for companies, particularly technology companies.
Most executives – in fact according to a recent Economist survey, 90 percent of executives – agree that business is becoming more complex, specifically across three dimensions: management, business and technology.  Let’s first explore the three categories before examining ways to beat complexity and deliver value.

Management complexity

Mergers and acquisitions, new products and services, and expansion can create additional layers of management.  Some companies are known to have at least 20 layers of management, and that creates a distance between customers, employees, leaders, and managers.

Business process complexity

Often times, business processes have not kept pace with the way consumers engage outside of the office.  Employees want a simple experience at work.  And, too often, business processes are defined by complex workflows that limit or inhibit collaboration.

Technology complexity

We all know the challenges that technology complexity presents from the massive amounts of data (structured, unstructured, dark, soft and hard) to the multiple layers of IT systems.  Because many legacy systems run homegrown applications, companies often find it difficult to scale or work on different platforms and systems.  This challenge increases when multiple systems are integrated as a result of an M&A or consolidation across businesses and geographies.

So what’s the answer to all this complexity?

Companies can unlock real value by running simpler and delivering value with simple technology and solutions.  When companies easily consume technology, they more rapidly simplify their business processes and spend their time, money and resources on innovating.  Companies that innovate are proven to be more successful.

Tapping into partner expertise

While all of this may be simple in concept, simple doesn't necessarily mean easier.  However, the simple choice should be the smart choice.
  • Partners are arguably the most efficient, effective and valuable way for a customer to acquire technology.
  • Partners play a critical role in helping companies run their business in an easier, simpler manner, regardless of the company’s vendor of choice.
  • By calling upon their industry and market knowledge, partners can help companies grow their businesses and improve their bottom line in a more personalized, localized way.
  • Conversations with partners should go beyond deployment to a real understanding of how the partner can enable true business transformation.
With all this in mind, it’s important to understand the capabilities partners have developed, as well as the resources they provide.  It’s no surprise that our most successful partners are the ones offering consulting and software solutions to help businesses Run Simple, helping businesses beat management, business process, and technology complexity.
Working with partners is the smart choice.  I believe it’s the most efficient and profitable way for companies to grow and scale.  It’s how we can run simple, beat complexity and deliver value.


  1. What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.

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